Saturday 3 August 2013

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Three Color Display Using Bicolor Led


This Project Three Color Display Using Bicolor Led is used to generate several designs of Running Lights. We use Eight Bi-color LED’s for display. The 8 bit Microprocessor is used to control all the operations. It control the LED’s though the Ports of PPI (Programmable Peripheral Interface) IC8255. The above system is monitored and controlled by the 8 bit microprocessor 8085A and using the Ports of 8255. The Microprocessor Switches on/off the LED’s according to the Program. The Power for the circuit is derived from the Step down transformer and the 5V regulator IC7805. The regulator IC
produce a constant 5v output The Bicolor LED can display three colors such us Red, Green, Orange. So we can generate several patterns of Designs using the Microprocessor.

Circuit Diagram:

Flow Chart:

Block Diagram:


0001   0000                 PORTA    EQU    0CH
0002   0000                 PORTB    EQU    0DH
0003   0000                 REG    EQU    0FH
0004   0000             .ORG 4100H
0005   4100 3E 84           MVI A,84H
0006   4102 D3 0F           OUT REG
0007   4104 3E AA       UP:    MVI A,0AAH
0008   4106 D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0009   4108 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0010   410A CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0011   410D 3E 55           MVI A,055H
0012   410F D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0013   4111 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0014   4113 CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0015   4116 3E 55           MVI A,055H
0016   4118 D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0017   411A D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0018   411C CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0019   411F 3E AA           MVI A,0AAH
0020   4121 D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0021   4123 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0022   4125 CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0023   4128 3E FF           MVI A,0FFH
0024   412A D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0025   412C D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0026   412E CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0027   4131 3E 00           MVI A,00H
0028   4133 D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0029   4135 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0030   4137 CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0031   413A 3E 88           MVI A,88H
0032   413C D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0033   413E D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0034   4140 CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0035   4143 3E 22           MVI A,22H
0036   4145 D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0037   4147 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0038   4149 CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0039   414C 3E 44           MVI A,44H
0040   414E D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0041   4150 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0042   4152 CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0043   4155 3E 11           MVI A,11H
0044   4157 D3 0C           OUT PORTA
0045   4159 D3 0D           OUT PORTB
0046   415B CD 61 41        CALL DELAY
0047   415E
0048   415E C3 04 41        JMP UP
0049   4161
0050   4161
0051   4161             DELAY:                ;Delay Routine
0052   4161 11 FF FF        LXI D,0FFFFH
0053   4164 1B          LOOP:    DCX D
0054   4165 7B              MOV A,E
0055   4166 B2              ORA D
0056   4167 C2 64 41        JNZ LOOP
0057   416A C9              RET
0058   416B             .END
Number of errors = 0

Please check the Power supply pins & Port number before you connect the Hardware to the Trainer Kit

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