Saturday 3 August 2013

on 2 comments

Number guessing game

This number guessing game is quite simple. In this game the player thinks of any number between 1 and 99. Then he scans the eight groups of numbers given in the eight boxes in the table. Each group corresponds to a specific switch on an 8-way DIP switch. And the corresponding switch is switch on and the Number will be displayed in the seven segments Display.
The circuit comprises 8 push-to-on switch (S1-S8). Suppose you want to display 47. For this, 4 is to be displayed in tens position and 7 in units position. In order to generate 4 (binary 111) on the display , switches S6, S7, and S8 are to be turned on. The number 47 is placed in groups 6, 7, 8, and 2. So
when you spot 47 in these groups, switch on the same combination of switches. On depressing switch S9, 47 appears on the display. Other numbers can be generated using the same procedure.
Circuit Diagram
Flow Chart
Block Diagram
0001   0000                 PORTA    EQU    0CH
0002   0000                 PORTB    EQU    0DH
0003   0000                 REG    EQU    0FH
0004   0000             .ORG 4100H
0005   4100
0006   4100         3E 94               MVI A,94H
0007   4102         D3 0F               OUT REG
0008   4104         3E 01               MVI A,01H
0009   4106         0E 03               MVI C,03H
0010   4108         CD 05 00            CALL 0005        ;Clear Display
0011   410B         4F                  MOV C,A    ;Generate Some Delay
0012   410C         06 02               MVI B,02H
0013   410E         11 0F 00    LOOP1:    LXI D,0FH
0014   4111         1B          LOOP:    DCX D
0015   4112         7B                  MOV A,E
0016   4113         B2                  ORA D
0017   4114         C2 11 41            JNZ LOOP
0018   4117         05                  DCR B
0019   4118         C2 0E 41            JNZ LOOP1
0020   411B         4F                  MOV C,A
0021   411C         06 02               MVI B,02H
0022   411E         11 0F 00    LOOP2:    LXI D,0FH
0023   4121         1B          LOOP3:    DCX D
0024   4122         7B                  MOV A,E
0025   4123         B2                  ORA D
0026   4124         C2 21 41            JNZ LOOP3
0027   4127         05                  DCR B
0028   4128         C2 1E 41            JNZ LOOP2
0029   412B         DB 0C               IN PORTA        ;Read Switches
0030   412D         47                  MOV B,A
0031   412E         E6 0F               ANI 0FH        ;seperate first Digit
0032   4130         32 50 60            STA 6050H
0033   4133         78                  MOV A,B
0034   4134         07                  RLC
0035   4135         07                      RLC
0036   4136         07                  RLC
0037   4137         07                  RLC
0038   4138         E6 0F               ANI 0FH    ;Seperate Second Digit
0039   413A         32 51 60            STA 6051H
0040   413D         21 50 60            LXI H,6050H
0041   4140         3E 03               MVI A,03H
0042   4142         0E 08               MVI C,08H
0043   4144         CD 05 00            CALL 0005H    ;Display the Numbers on Data Field
0044   4147         4F                  MOV C,A    ;Generate Some Delay
0045   4148         06 02               MVI B,02H
0046   414A         11 0F 00    LOOP4:    LXI D,0FH
0047   414D         1B          LOOP5:    DCX D
0048   414E         7B                  MOV A,E
0049   414F         B2                  ORA D
0050   4150         C2 4D 41            JNZ LOOP5
0051   4153 05              DCR B
0052   4154         C2 4A 41            JNZ LOOP4
0053   4157         4F                  MOV C,A    ;Generate Some Delay
0054   4158         06 02              MVI B,02H
0055   415A         11 0F 00    LOOP6:    LXI D,0FH
0056   415D         1B          LOOP7:    DCX D
0057   415E         7B                      MOV A,E
0058   415F         B2                  ORA D
0059   4160         C2 5D 41            JNZ LOOP7
0060   4163         05                  DCR B
0061   4164         C2 5A 41            JNZ LOOP6
0062   4167         76                  HLT
0063   4168             .END
Number of errors = 0
Please check the Power supply pins & Port number before you connect the Hardware to the Trainer Kit


  1. I guess I have selected a mind blowing and interesting blog exciteglobalreview

  2. which software you have used to simulate the above code and circuit


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