Saturday 27 July 2013

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1) Goals & Motivation

Focus of The Course:

  • Three Networking Topics :

  1. Distributed Systems (working on various apps)
  2. Networking (working on packet level)
  3. Communication (working on signal and system level)

  • Here we will learn and understand the concept of Networking.
The Main Point:

  1. To learn how the Internet works »
    – What really happens when you “browse the web”?
    – What are TCP/IP, DNS, HTTP, NAT, VPNs, 802.11 etc. anyway?
  2. To learn the fundamentals of computer networks

Why learn about the Internet?

  1. Curiosity »
  2. Impact on our world »
  3. Job prospects!

From this experimental network … ARPANET ~1970

To this! Internet ~2005

  • An everyday institution used at work, home, and on-the-go
  • Visualization contains millions of links

Attribution: By The Opte Project [CC-BY-2.5], via Wikimedia Commons

Internet – Economic impact

  • An engine of economic growth
          – Advertising-sponsored search like Google

          – “Long tail” online stores like amazon

          – Online marketplaces like ebay

          – Crowd-sourcing

The Main Point (2)

  1. To learn how the Internet works
  2. To learn the fundamentals of computer networks
    – What hard problems must they solve?
    – What design strategies have proven valuable?

Why learn the Fundamentals?

  1. Apply to all computer networks
  2. Intellectual interest »
  3. Change / reinvention »

Fundamentals – Intellectual Interest

  •  Example key problem: Reliability!

           – Any part of the Internet might fail
           – Messages might be corrupted
           – So how do we provide reliability?

  • Reliability solutions

          – Codes to detect/correct errors
          – Routing around failures ...

  • Key problems with example solutions::

  1. Reliability despite failures :
    Codes for error detection/correction
    Routing around failures
  2. Network growth and evolution :
    Addressing and naming
    Protocol layering
  3. Allocation of resources like bandwidth :
    Multiple access
    Congestion control 
  4. Security against various threats :
    Confidentiality of messages
    Authentication of communicating parties

Fundamentals – Reinvention

  • The Internet is constantly being re-invented!– Growth over time and technology trends drive upheavals in Internet design and usage »
  • Today’s Internet is different from yesterday’s– And tomorrow’s will be different again– But the fundamentals remain the same
  • At least a billion Internet hosts and growing …

  • Examples of upheavals in the past 1-2 decades ::

                Growth / Tech Driver-------------Upheaval
                Emergence of the web-------------Content Distribution Networks
                Digital songs/videos---------------Peer-to-peer file sharing
                Falling cost/bit--------------------Voice-over-IP calling
                Many Internet hosts-------------- IPv6
                Wireless advances-----------------Mobile devices

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